Contracts in Disasters and Emergencies
In a time of disaster or emergency, it can be difficult or even impossible to perform contracts that your business agreed to before the disaster or emergency occurred. What do you do if your business cannot perform its agreements?

Ideas for Businesses and Business Owners Unexpectedly Working From Home Part II
While you and your employees are working remotely is a good time to work on some of those long-term projects you’ve been putting off—both personal and business. It may help your business emerge from this crisis in fighting shape. Part II of II.

Ideas for Businesses and Business Owners Unexpectedly Working From Home Part I
While you and your employees are working remotely is a good time to work on some of those long-term projects you’ve been putting off—both personal and business. It may help your business emerge from this crisis in fighting shape.
COVID-19 Coronavirus and Resources for Your Business
We know this is a very scary time for many of our clients. We hope that you are staying home and staying safe. Small business owners are expecting to be particularly hard hit in this crisis, so here is a list of resources for your business and your personal life.

Updating Your Website? Update Your Terms!
If you’re feeling ready for a change and updating your website, or even if you aren’t, now is a good time to take a look at your website’s Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, and Privacy Policy.

Employment Non-Compete Clauses and Liquidated Damages in Iowa
If you have ever signed an employment agreement, or asked your employees to sign one, it probably had a covenant not to compete with the employer if the employee leaves the business. These clauses are usually called “non-competes.” They typically limit the time and the geographic area within which the former employee can perform the […]

Iowa Supreme Court Takes Conservative Approach to Airspace Hazards
After analyzing the federal regulations, case law, and Iowa law, the Iowa Supreme Court determined there was no conflict between federal and local law here and, in fact, the federal laws contemplated that local rules could be more restrictive than FAA Part 77 regulations.

Eminent Domain and the Bakken Pipeline Redux
The Iowa Supreme Court holds that the Dakota Access pipeline provides beneficial side effects for Iowans despite not providing any oil to Iowa.

Upcoming Event: Local Government Law CLE
We are pleased and excited to announce that David Ferree will be speaking at the upcoming Continuing Legal Education event for the National Business Institute on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, in Des Moines: Local Government Law: What Attorneys Need to Know, covering topics including: Open Meeting Laws Public Records Issues Human Resources Issues Budgets and […]

You Detected a Data Breach. Now What?
You are the CEO of a mid-size company. As you are going about your day, minding your business, you get a call from your security department. It’s a call you really didn’t want. Security has detected suspicious file movements and wants your directions about what to do next. You have likely suffered a data breach. […]